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LOC Monthly Updates

October 2022

October 2022 -

Dear all,

We have 2 new updates to share for this month.


  1. Newmedica Worcester is hosting another CPD event.  Challenging Oculoplastic Cases 3- point CPD event for Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians

  2. We have received an email from Guide Dogs, which is pasted down below. 


"Good afternoon.

My name is Andy Farrell a Service Marketing Officer at Guide Dogs.

I am currently raising awareness of Guide Dogs free virtual introduction to Sighted Guide Training. These sessions are for one hour and available twice weekly for up to fifteen people. They are suitable for anyone who is in a customer facing role that could potentially come into contact with one of the over two million people in the UK living with Sight Loss. I was just wondering if this is something you could help raise awareness of with your stakeholders.

Anyone interested can sign up via the following link

The sessions cover:

• How to start a conversation when you meet someone who is blind or partially sighted, to ask if they need assistance.
• Basic guiding techniques for crossing roads, getting around obstacles and getting in and out of cars.
• An introduction to common eye conditions and their impact.
• Awareness of access rights and barriers to independence.

Our long term aim is the normalisation and broader awareness of sighted guiding as a practise so that businesses, service providers, facilities would think about ensuring having someone who at least has an awareness of how to guide people on rota, in the same way they would have a first aider. By creating a world where the fundamentals of Sighted Guiding are more broadly understood the more accessible our communities can become, and help prevent those living with sight loss becoming isolated and having to deal with all the challenges that go along with isolation both emotional and physical.

Thank you in advance for your time and support, it’s massively appreciated, if you have any questions or require any further information then please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Kindest Regards



Many thanks,


Your Worcestershire LOC

Newmedica Worcester CPD event

June 2022 -

Dear all,

Here are the newest updates to share with you all.


Call for evidence on the Opticians Act and consultation on associated GOC policies

The UK optical bodies have finalised a summary document on the GOC’s call for evidence on the Opticians Act and consultation on associated GOC policies. It includes sector specific feedback on the eight sections in the GOC document. Please see attached.


Current cataract waiting times - WAHT

CATARACT SERVICE - Current waiting time 18-19 weeks from referral to surgery


Worcester CPD Invite - NewMedica - Wednesday 27th July 2022

The CPD is worth 3 points and optoms can have a look around the new hospital at the event too.


SpaMedica Yag waiting times

Gloucester waiting times is 2-3 months

Birmingham, between 6-9 month


Many thanks,


Your Worcestershire LOC

June 2022 2022 Update

April 2022 -

Dear all,
We have 3 new updates to share with you.
Hereford & Worcestershire Primary Care Wellbeing  - Please share with all staff. Lots of very useful information!
WAHT cataract waiting times20 weeks from referral to surgery
Call for evidence on the Opticians Act and consultation on associated GOC policies

You may have seen that the GOC has launched a comprehensive call for evidence on the Opticians Act 1989, and a consultation on associated GOC policies. The call for evidence seeks views, information, and factual evidence on whether there is a need to change the Opticians Act, which will include defining aspects of optical professionals’ practise. The consultation poses a large number of questions on associated GOC policies. 
This is a major and complex undertaking which LOCSU is carefully considering as part of our role to support LOCs. 
Due to the comprehensive nature of these workstreams, the GOC has given a large window for responses until 18th July 2022. Given the importance of the subject matter, it makes sense for all those considering contributions and responses to make as full a use of this time as possible. 
LOCSU is on hand to discuss and support any thoughts and ideas that LOCs may have. You can contact them in the first instance at
Many thanks,
Your Worcestershire LOC

Comms to Optoms April 22

2022.04.26 Primary Care Wellbeing

March 2022 -

Dear all,
This months updates have been summarised below:
Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust have issued their update on waiting times and referral criteria.
LOCSU welcomes the confirmation from NHS England-Improvement that from 1st April, LFD tests for patient facing staff will continue to be available through the portal. This is in line with UKHSA advice.
More information can be seen here: C1621-living-with-COVID-19-testing-update-letter-30-march-2022.pdf (  Optical professionals should contact their membership bodies with further enquiries.
Optom Academy are delighted to provide a special Charity live low vision CPD lecture this Ramadan on Sunday 10th April at 6.30pm via Zoom 
Title: Step by Step approach to examine a low vision patient. This will be delivered by Jane Macnaughton PhD FCOptom Prof Cert (HE) Prof Cert LV FHEA. Only £5 per ticket, 100% of proceeds will go to the Brain Tumour Research and Esme' Umbrella charity - providing support to those with Charles Bonnet Syndrome
This lecture will consist of the step-by-step approach on how a pre-reg or qualified optometrist should take when managing a patient with low vision.
It will detail history and symptoms taking including understanding a low vision patient’s aspirations and expectations. It will also consist of assessing patients with impaired visual function and understanding the use of specialist charts for distance and near vision and the effects of lighting, contrast and glare. This tutorial will also discuss which magnifiers should be dispensed depending on the situation, the application of complex low vision aids and how to manage those patients whose expectations you cannot manage. It will finish off with some case scenarios demonstrating the above.
1 CPD point for OO and DO
To book, please visit: and select low vision talk
Many thanks,
Your Worcestershire LOC

Comms to Optoms March 22

March 2022
Further Update

February 2022 -

Dear All,
Please find attached an update from Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust (WAHT) to share with your staff.  The referral email addresses remain the same but note that their current cataract service waiting times are now 16 Weeks from referral to surgery.
Please give us your feedback if this is not the case.
Primary Care Wellbeing has released its latest information.  This includes information on FREE Wellbeing Support available to ALL colleagues working within Primary Care in Herefordshire and Worcestershire.
 For those of you who missed our YouTube video on what Primary Care Wellbeing is all about, or just need a refresher, please click on the link.
The latest Optometry First – Call to Action from LOCSU
Please share or forward this email to a work colleague who may not already be on our mailing list.
Many thanks,
Your Worcestershire LOC 

Optometry First Call to Action Comms Feb 2022 Final

Care First Poster

Wellbeing Room Grants Flyer

2022.02.28 Wellbeing Comms

Comms to Optoms February 22

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